On the "F" word

On the "F" word

by digby

This CNN segment features interviews with various scholars and experts on the question of whether Trump is a fascist. It seems obvious to me but there are evidently nuances in the definition in ways that some of these people say Trump doesn't fit. But any idea that he isn't dictatorial or authoritarian is just wrong. No, hoe doesn't come out and say that he will disband congress. But his entire argument rests on the idea that he, and he alone, will "get things done." This is what his followers want him to do, as well.

Remember, these people hate the Republican establishment and all Democrats. They believe Washington is dysfunctional because politicians and judges are refusing to take the necessary steps to fulfill the mandate that the conservative right wing sent them to Washington to fulfill. They have no respect for the democratic process because it often means they do not get their way.
Trump's not going into detail about how he will do all the things he says he will do. He just says, "trust me" I'll get it done. That's what these people want --- they don't need to know how, just that he'll do it.

You can call it whatever you want but Trump's running on nationalism, militarism, corporatism, nativism and authoritarianism.